Effective Computer Repair Methods: Tips for Everyday Users

Computer repair methods vary by problem and type. Before any solution first Backup your files to an external drive or the cloud in case you need to restore them. Update your drivers, which help your computer communicate with hardware. Uninstall any recently installed programs or apps that may be causing the problem. Run a troubleshooter to automatically detect and fix common computer issues. Check your power supply, fan, RAM, and hard drive for damage or malfunction.

If these steps fail, you may need a technician or computer repair shop.  If you live in Vancouver, Canada Then you can consult with TickTockTech. TickTockTech is the only Technology Service Company in the city. They offer same-day service, free onsite estimates, a discount pricing structure, and a money-back guarantee.


There are a few steps which may help to solve your problem at home If these do not work then call the professional. The initial step in troubleshooting a computer is identifying the detailed issue. This prime step will guide our efforts to what is the problem and help us to tackle the problem efficiently. This will tell us where is the problem. It may be due to faulty hardware or missing software versions. Understanding the root cause of the problem is critical. When the root cause is identified, we can find the best solution.

Power and Connections

Before computer repair check the physical aspects of your computer setup. Ensure that power cables are securely connected, and double-check that the power source is functioning properly. Also, check the crack in the cable near the connector. Loose or damaged cables can lead to intermittent power issues, and addressing them is a quick fix. A Loose cable may damage the motherboard of the PC.

Restarting Your Computer

Sometimes computer lags due to more RAM consumption by the software. A  simple yet effective solution to various software-related problems is restarting your computer. If you’re experiencing freezing or erratic behaviour, a restart can clear up temporary glitches and refresh your system.

Virus and Malware Scans

Malicious software can severely affect your computer’s performance. Run a comprehensive virus and malware scan using antivirus software or by using inbuilt Windows Defender software. Regular scans are essential for a healthy computer and should be part of your routine maintenance. Sometimes we download third-party software on the computer. This third-party software uses more resources in the computer due to this PC becomes laggy. In a recent update, Windows Introduced its new tools for virus scans on the computer.

System Updates

The operating system runs the heart of a Computer which is the Central processing unit CPU. Security of our data on the computer is important. Always  Keep the operating system ( Windows, Linux, macOS, etc) and application software ( Web browser, MS Excel etc)up to date. Also, check weekly for updates in the security and update section in the settings of the computer. Regular updates from providers like Windows, macOS, or Linux include patches for vulnerabilities and bug fixes that can resolve issues. This method also helps in computer repair.


Also, use genuine Operating Software for regular updates. Sometimes we install cracked Windows. Then after some time Our computer became laggy and its boot time increased. Windows is cracked by third-party software like KMspico. This software leads to problems in the computer after some time.

Driver and Software Updates

Driver are main software for the hardware to run. Also, the Software should be updated. Outdated software may lead to malware risk on the machine. Outdated drivers can cause compatibility problems and system instability. Update the drivers for your hardware components such as graphics cards, network adapters, and software applications. This keeps your system running smoothly. Also, they reduce the risk of hardware failure while using it.

Preventing Overheating

In Computer Repair, Overheating is a common issue, especially in laptops and desktops with inadequate cooling. To prevent overheating, clean dust from your computer’s internals, ensure proper ventilation, and consider investing in cooling solutions like additional fans or cooling pads. Also, check the Thermal paste of the CPU and GPU of your computer.

Thermal Paste


Thermal paste should be evenly spread on the GPU and CPU. More or Less thermal paste is bad for the component. Because it fails to reduce heat. The evenly spread thermal paste helps to reduce overheating.

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